
BCF offers Intern to get an overview on Foundation as one body and to develop his/her personal skills.  Berkshire CF Intern Supporting Marketing & Communication - Press Releases, Annual Reviews, Newsletters, Leaflets,...
CFWS seeks for Intern to join their team and to enjoy company of experienced staff. Development Assistant Intern Supporting Marketing and Web Development Managing information flow Social Media networking - Facebook,...
  CFN aims to have at least one Intern working at all times. Localgiving Intern Supporting national roll-out across the network Working with Localgiving to ensure they have up-to-date and relevant information...
MKCF aims to have at least 1 Intern working at the Foundation at all the time. Fund Development Involvement in project of online donations Localgiving - Pilot, roll-out Support Open University consultants to...
FST seeks for an individual Intern. Fair Share Trust Intern Identifying and sharing learning and good practice Supporting evaluation processes Marketing & Communication support - Newsletters, E-bulletins ...
  CCB is currently preparing job description for their Intern  
Záznamy: 1 - 6 ze 6

Všechny stáže jsou NEPLACENÉ. Pokrytí nákladů na život ve Velké Británii počas stáže je možno zajistit přes stipendijní program Erasmus. 

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